HELP! Some very bad people have stolen bikes meant for hard-working young cyclists. They need your help!

Belair-Edison Neighborhoods Inc. (BENI) received a grant to promote park stewardship among our young people. Ten kids (ages 7-13) have been earning bikes through acts of community service — mostly gardening at the community gardens in the park and helping out with Movies in the Park. They have also done some clean ups on a few blocks throughout the community.

The bikes they are earning are gently-used (bought with a portion of the grant money) and as part of their time, they are attending bike workshops to fix the bikes. Attached are photos from their workshops with Velocipede.

This past weekend, the bikes were stolen from the storage shed. No doubt, someone saw them working on them and placing them in the shed and then took advantage of the situation. Their helmets, pumps, and locks were also stolen.

Now, we need your help to replace the bikes. We need 5-20” boys’ bikes; 3-20” girls’ bikes; 2-24” girls bikes; plus 5 boys’ and 5 girls’ helmets.

If you have a bike you wish to donate, please contact

Thanks so much.

Mary Warlow
Belair-Edison Neighborhoods, Inc.

If you know anything about this or are able to help out, please contact Mary Marlow at the address above, or you can contact Johnny, who will put in you touch with these fine folks.  You might have a currently unused bike in your basement or garage that could be put to very good use.


This also just in:


Could you also help promote our bike ride with the Mayor this Friday, July 24th? We’re meeting her in Herring Run Park by the Movie Shed (3900 Belair Road) at 7:30am. We’d love a big turnout, so all are welcome. We’re trying to get as many of our kids and residents there as possible, but it’s pretty early. Anyway, if possible, please spread the word.

Thanks again!


I’d love to be able to make this and ride with the Mayor, since I can seldom get up early enough to go on the usual rides.